life's answer key

buzzfeed quizzes I find exciting

We'll Give You A Veeeeeeeeery Specific Meal To Eat Tonight, But First You Have To Plan A Trip Around The World

There's nothing I love more than an extremely detailed plan, except possibly not having to make a decision. This beautiful quiz combines both of those things plus my fondness for food and pretending like I will ever actually be able to afford traveling the world! In case you were wondering, I got grilled salmon, roasted potatoes, broccoli, and cider, which I will most definitely be having as a meal this week ;)

There Are Only 6 Types Of People In This World – Order A Pizza To See Which One You Are

It's the age old dilemma; wishing you knew deep information about yourself, but all you seem able to do with your time is make plans for ridiculously complicated pizzas that nobody would ever actually make. This Buzzfeed quiz is the perfect solution! I've got to ask, why would anyone want to develop their own personal identity when Buzzfeed is perfectly capable of it? To think, psychology students waste thousands of dollars getting a degree when they could just use Buzzfeed as study materials. But I know at this point you're questioning why you should even be listening to me. All I've done on this website is prattle on about my own dumb opinions. I've got your answer, it's cause Buzzfeed said I'm "the classic leader." And yes, I do think choosing to put basil on my pizza qualifies me to boss around the masses.

Your Mac 'N' Cheese Preferences Will Reveal How Many Kids You'll Have

I initially clicked on this quiz with such glee! I erronously thought that this quiz would be the start of something great for me. No more doubts or uncertainty in my future. No, I was going to make Mac and Cheese and use that as my sole metric for deciding how much human life to bring into this Earth. But as always...the other shoe did drop. I was horrified by the options in this quiz. We started off terribly without fusilli as an option for the pasta shape. If this were a boxed experience I would say shells are fine, but good god this quiz is going to make or break my family so we have to do a homemade recipe. I would rather be set on fire and run over by a semi truck than homemake Mac and Cheese with penne pasta. And then the next question: you're telling me I have to choose between homemade and a crispy topping. This is a crime against everything I hold dear. But the worst part was at the end when I was told I would have two kids and the picture staring back at me were the two most ominous looking blonde kids I've ever seen in my life. Yes, I might have two kids, but it's clear to me now that they will kill me with no remorse. Thanks for the nightmares Buzzfeed.